Marketing Tips & Tactics for Small Firms
In this day and age, there’s no such thing as being too small. The small firm niche is more popular than ever before, and with more law firms than ever before, you’d think more attention would be paid to marketing for the smaller law firm. However, many smaller law firms struggle to market their services because they don’t know the right marketing tips and tactics. To grow your law firm and increase your profits, you need to research, implement and test different strategies.
You need to know that you’re doing everything in your power to get the word out about your business. Wherever you stand, you need to know that your marketing efforts are working for the good of your small firm. So, what can you do? Here are some marketing tips and tactics for small law firms.
- Create an Effective Website
The first and most important step in marketing for a small law firm is creating an effective website for your small business. While a website is only one way to market your firm, it is the foundation for all your marketing efforts. A website is the hub of your firm’s marketing efforts. It allows you to communicate with your clients and prospects in a variety of ways, from email communications to blog entries and social media posts, and more.
With a website, it’s possible to communicate with your clients and prospects wherever they are, at any time of day, and in a variety of formats, including email, text, RSS, and more. You can also use your website to collect information, such as resumes, referrals, and information about your services, and use this information to create a more personalized experience for your clients and prospects.
- Define Who You’re Going to Market to and who your Preferred Clients are
Who do you have in mind as your prospective clients? Who are you looking at as your target market? First, you need to define who you’re going to market for. The first step in any marketing plan is to create a marketing plan. In a marketing plan, you need to define your target market. Once you’ve defined your target market, it’s relatively easy to decide on a strategy to reach them. Who are your target clients? Who is it that you want in front of your door? Who are you trying to attract to your practice?
- Create Content that Doesn’t Suck
Now, you need to create content that doesn’t suck. This includes blog posts, articles, videos, and more. While everything you publish on your website is important, there are times when you need to publish something that isn’t on your website. An article on a local newspaper’s website, for example, or an article on a site that attracts a specific audience is a good example of content that isn’t on your website. A blog is another type of content that you can publish. A blog is essentially like a website where you’re essentially writing as much as you can. You can do this on your website or you can use blogging software, such as WordPress.
- Offer Convenience for Your Clients
Next up, you need to offer convenience for your clients. This includes things like offering a way for clients to check the status of their cases, such as your tracking number. A way for clients to get instant answers to questions about your services, such as FAQs or video tutorials. A way for clients to pay their bills online. A way for clients to pay their bills by phone. These are just a few examples of how you can offer convenience to your clients. The possibilities are endless.
- Build Relationships with Key Individuals
Next up, you need to build relationships with key individuals. Online communities are great ways to connect with your key individuals. Join online law communities, such as those on Reddit, or those on LinkedIn, and participate. Build relationships with your key individuals online. Connect with them on social media and send them personalized thank you notes after every case.
Marketing for a small law firm can be tough. At times, it can feel like you’re working against a brick wall when it comes to getting the word out about your business. But there are plenty of tips and tactics that you can use to make marketing for a small law firm a little bit easier. The key is to find ways that work for your small law firm and do that repeatedly.