BurdMan Marketing Group https://burdmanmarketing.com.au Professional Business Marketing For Your Business Sat, 07 May 2022 09:26:33 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 https://burdmanmarketing.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/cropped-BURDMAN-LOGO-FAVICON-32x32.png BurdMan Marketing Group https://burdmanmarketing.com.au 32 32 https://burdmanmarketing.com.au/press-release-best-practices-for-inbound-marketing-strategy/ https://burdmanmarketing.com.au/press-release-best-practices-for-inbound-marketing-strategy/#respond Fri, 06 May 2022 07:17:18 +0000 https://burdmanmarketing.com.au/?p=3519
Press Release Best Practices For Inbound Marketing Strategy

If you’ve spent any time working in or consulting with a digital marketing agency, then chances are you’ve heard the term “digital transformation” thrown around a lot. The phrase is something of a catch-all for agencies that are looking to break free from the old ways of doing things. The phrase is used to describe everything from the process of updating an entire website to the implementation of a more effective email marketing strategy. 

In essence, digital transformation means a law firm rethinking the way it approaches its business. The end result? To succeed in an ever-changing legal market, law firms must adopt strategies that will help them achieve their firm’s success. So, how do you go about digitally transforming your law firm?

Around a third of people exposed to traditional marketing methods don’t actually take any action because they’re either not interested, or they don’t feel like they have a chance of success.  The vast majority of those people, however, are inclined to take action if they receive information from a company that’s relevant to them. That kind of targeted marketing, and that kind of digital transformation, starts with a marketing strategy that’s centered around using digital platforms and technologies that reaches prospects where they are in their information-gathering journey.

The key to any successful marketing strategy is understanding who your audience is, and what they need. Once you’ve nailed down who your prospective clients are, you’ll be able to start tailoring your marketing strategy to create a relevant experience that gets them to sign up for your legal services. The first step in defining your “buyer or prospect” persona is to conduct market mapping. This will help you identify the kinds of people that your business is trying to reach, and it will inform the next steps in your marketing strategy.  Once you’ve identified your “buyer or prospect”  persona, the next step is to start thinking about how you’ll reach them.

As the marketing strategies of companies like Amazon, Apple, and Google have shown, there’s a clear path to success when you use data to guide your marketing strategy. To start setting yourself up for success, you’ll want to make sure that you’re tracking all of the data that matters to your business. This will help you identify your key metrics, and it will help you identify any trends in your data that you can use to guide your strategy.

Additionally, you should be using data to help you guide your strategy for your “buyer or prospect” persona. If you’ve been conducting market mapping, you should have a pretty good sense of who your best prospective clients are. Once you have that information, you can start tailoring your marketing strategy to help you reach them. This can range from the design of your marketing materials to the kinds of content that you choose to create.

Outlining your business model is a key first step in outsourcing non-core services. This will help you identify which parts of your business don’t fit with the way that the rest of your business is structured. Once you’ve identified your non-core services, the next step is to find an outsourcing partner. You should be looking for a partner that can help you implement the processes that you need to outsource. This includes the automation of the processes that you’re trying to outsource. 

Another key part of a successful marketing strategy is the implementation of robot process automation. Essentially, robot process automation is the automation of the non-core processes within your business. And, in the context of a law firm, this is particularly important. As a business that deals with a wide range of clients and matters, a law firm will have a wide range of processes that need to be automated. 

One of the most important parts of a successful marketing strategy is the implementation of a central hub for your firm. Essentially, a central hub is a central location where all of your marketing materials are hosted. The central hub for your firm serves two main purposes. First, it provides a single location for your team to post all of their content. This ensures that your team has a central location to post their content, and it ensures that they’re posting content that’s relevant to your buyer persona. Second, it serves as a single location for your team to post their digital offers. This includes your digital marketing materials as well as your digital offers.  

In a fast-moving legal market, law firms must transform with new trends and technologies in order to stay ahead of the game. In order to succeed in this new and ever-evolving market, law firms must adopt strategies that will help them achieve their success. So, how do you go about transforming your law firm? 


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When it comes to marketing your law firm, there are several from which you can choose. You can advertise in local newspapers and radio stations. You can even create your own website and LinkedIn profile. The best strategy, however, is to market your law firm through digital channels. 

Online Marketing allows you to reach out to potential clients in a cost-effective manner.  Moreover, this allows you to connect with potential clients. To generate more clients for your law firm, you should know how to use the following strategies. These will help you to target potential clients, establish your brand, and generate leads for your law firm.

  • Create Content For Your Brand

To establish your brand, you should create content for your brand. You can either blog about your industry or create videos about what law firms offer. Blogging is an excellent strategy to generate leads for your law firm. Individuals like reading about different topics. Blogging about your industry, and having a relevant audience, allows you to build your brand. Moreover, it helps you to establish your voice, and build your reputation. Blogging about relevant topics allows you to generate leads for your law firm.

  • Build Relationships With Existing Clients

When you share your content on social media, you can also share it on your website and through email. When sharing on your website and social media, you can add a contact form. This allows you to generate more leads for your law firm. Through your website, you can also add a lead magnet. This allows you to generate more leads for your law firm. LinkedIn is a great tool for marketing your law firm. Through this platform, you can add an update about your brand. Moreover, you can add a link that connects with your lead magnet. This allows you to generate more leads for your law firm.

  • Create a Lead Magnet For Prospects

A lead magnet is an extremely effective form of lead generation. It allows you to compile your most indispensable offerings and present them in one place. When generating leads for your law firm, you have to build an autoresponder that sends leads straight to your email address. You can create a lead magnet using the lead magnet that you have created before. You can also create a lead magnet for your brand name or your services.

  • Establish a Q & A Event Locally Where the Public Can Get Questions Answered

This is an excellent method for gaining local exposure and making contacts with prospects. People who attend those events are ones with pressing legal problems. Through this event, you can help your clients with their problems. You can give them solutions that solve their problems. This will help you generate leads for your law firm. The best thing about these leads is that they have immediate legal needs that you can help with. 

In this day and age, it becomes increasingly difficult to get new clients. This is because more people are using the internet to search for businesses. This has resulted in less space for new businesses to be introduced to the audience.  You can, however, use the strategies discussed above to generate more leads for your law firm. This will allow you to reach out to potential clients, and connect with them.


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Marketing Tips & Tactics for Small Firms

In this day and age, there’s no such thing as being too small. The small firm niche is more popular than ever before, and with more law firms than ever before, you’d think more attention would be paid to marketing for the smaller law firm. However, many smaller law firms struggle to market their services because they don’t know the right marketing tips and tactics. To grow your law firm and increase your profits, you need to research, implement and test different strategies.

You need to know that you’re doing everything in your power to get the word out about your business. Wherever you stand, you need to know that your marketing efforts are working for the good of your small firm. So, what can you do? Here are some marketing tips and tactics for small law firms.

  • Create an Effective Website

The first and most important step in marketing for a small law firm is creating an effective website for your small business. While a website is only one way to market your firm, it is the foundation for all your marketing efforts.  A website is the hub of your firm’s marketing efforts. It allows you to communicate with your clients and prospects in a variety of ways, from email communications to blog entries and social media posts, and more. 

With a website, it’s possible to communicate with your clients and prospects wherever they are, at any time of day, and in a variety of formats, including email, text, RSS, and more. You can also use your website to collect information, such as resumes, referrals, and information about your services, and use this information to create a more personalized experience for your clients and prospects.

  • Define Who You’re Going to Market to and who your Preferred Clients are

Who do you have in mind as your prospective clients? Who are you looking at as your target market?  First, you need to define who you’re going to market for. The first step in any marketing plan is to create a marketing plan. In a marketing plan, you need to define your target market. Once you’ve defined your target market, it’s relatively easy to decide on a strategy to reach them.  Who are your target clients? Who is it that you want in front of your door? Who are you trying to attract to your practice?

  • Create Content that Doesn’t Suck

Now, you need to create content that doesn’t suck. This includes blog posts, articles, videos, and more.  While everything you publish on your website is important, there are times when you need to publish something that isn’t on your website. An article on a local newspaper’s website, for example, or an article on a site that attracts a specific audience is a good example of content that isn’t on your website.  A blog is another type of content that you can publish. A blog is essentially like a website where you’re essentially writing as much as you can. You can do this on your website or you can use blogging software, such as WordPress.

  • Offer Convenience for Your Clients

Next up, you need to offer convenience for your clients. This includes things like offering a way for clients to check the status of their cases, such as your tracking number. A way for clients to get instant answers to questions about your services, such as FAQs or video tutorials. A way for clients to pay their bills online. A way for clients to pay their bills by phone.  These are just a few examples of how you can offer convenience to your clients. The possibilities are endless.

  • Build Relationships with Key Individuals

Next up, you need to build relationships with key individuals. Online communities are great ways to connect with your key individuals. Join online law communities, such as those on Reddit, or those on LinkedIn, and participate. Build relationships with your key individuals online.  Connect with them on social media and send them personalized thank you notes after every case. 

Marketing for a small law firm can be tough. At times, it can feel like you’re working against a brick wall when it comes to getting the word out about your business. But there are plenty of tips and tactics that you can use to make marketing for a small law firm a little bit easier.  The key is to find ways that work for your small law firm and do that repeatedly.  

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Press Releases For Law Firms

When it comes to getting your brand out into the world, there is a multitude of ways to do so. Some utilize social media, some use email marketing, and some make use of word-of-mouth referrals. But one of the most effective ways to get your name out there is through the medium of press releases. After all, it’s a way to reach a much wider audience, and in today’s digital world, where people are always on the lookout for the newest, coolest things, it’s a great way to be introduced to a firm.  

Law firms that take the time to craft a press release and make it a regular part of their marketing strategies get more exposure and more traffic and more calls. 

What is a Press Release?

A press release is a piece of news about your law firm, industry developments, and news about your professional development. It’s a simple way to let the world know what you accomplished, and why you did it. After all, the law is a very niche market, so while your blog post might tell the world how you feel about marijuana legislation, that same post might not be read by many people interested in cannabis law. A press release is all about being accessible to the widest audience possible, and in an age where only 7% of people will actually read an email, a press release is a very effective way to get your name out there.

Press releases are a great way to get your name out there. After all, when someone walks into a law firm they’re likely to see a slew of names on the street sign, and the most popular ones, the ones that are the most established, will often get a lot of attention. But if you’re the one that’s not at the head of the sign, but rather towards the bottom, you’re going to be a lot more likely to be completely ignored. 

A press release is a great way to introduce yourself to the people who might be reading the news in-depth, and it’s a great way to introduce your firm to anyone who might be looking for a new lawyer. You can also use press releases to help raise the profile of clean-tech or green law firms because those types of stories often get a ton of attention.

Now that you have an idea of what a press release is, and why law firms should be using them, it’s time to go over what makes a press release journalist-friendly. Keep in mind that the more a press release is read, the more likely it is to be noticed, so you want to make sure that you write one that’s both interesting and journalist-friendly. Here are some of the basics you want to keep in mind when crafting your press release.

  • The length of your press release shouldn’t be more than 500 words. 
  • The first sentence of your press release is important. Keep this sentence short and to the point, and make sure that it’s directly related to what you’re writing about. 
  •  Every press release should include a quote.
  •  Every press release should include an image. 
  • Every press release should include links to relevant websites and social media profiles. 

When writing your press release, you want to make sure that you have something that grabs the attention of journalists and makes them want to read your press release. It could be a quote, it could be an image, it could be a statistic, or it could be anything else. What you want to make sure of is that you have something that grabs their attention and makes them want to read on.  

When your practice is located in a competitive market, you have to put effort into finding new clients and building up brand recognition. This post will teach the principles of creating press releases that can be used for many different events and achievements. The first step is deciding which one best suits your needs by following these tips and tricks so you are more successful than ever before.


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https://burdmanmarketing.com.au/what-is-attraction-marketing/ https://burdmanmarketing.com.au/what-is-attraction-marketing/#respond Fri, 06 May 2022 07:04:46 +0000 https://burdmanmarketing.com.au/?p=3555 What Is Attraction Marketing?

As the digital era continues to expand, marketing has become more complicated than ever before. On top of that, competition has never been fiercer. As a result, law firms have started to focus on increasing their revenue through different marketing channels besides the traditional ones. This includes things like referral spas, loyalty programs, and so-called “attraction marketing.” If you’re unfamiliar with the term, here’s what it means and how it can help your law firm.

Attraction marketing is a form of marketing that uses marketing tactics to attract new clients. It appeals to your existing clients through the use of various techniques to generate more leads. It’s also known as “relationship marketing.” It’s not just about reaching out to your clients and collecting their business, it’s about building genuine, long-lasting relationships with them that lead to referrals and loyalty toward your brand.

You may have already heard of some of the marketing tactics that are used in attraction marketing. As a law firm, you can use them to increase your revenue and attract even more clients. For example, you can use virtual reality to create a digital law practice experience that lets potential clients see what your firm looks like from their perspective. VR allows you to walk clients through the process of buying a product or service as if they were already the client. Next, you can speak with them in a virtual office setting to create a more personal experience.

Attraction marketing can help law firms achieve two main goals. First, it can help law firms increase the amount of revenue they make. Second, it can help law firms increase their client retention rates. While many marketing tactics can help you increase your revenue, attraction marketing is different. It’s more personal and provides clients with a better experience. This makes it more likely that they’ll become loyal clients and refer others to your firm.

Attraction marketing is a way to attract new clients and increase revenue through digital marketing. It’s a complicated topic that may sound confusing. But, it’s quite simple. If you want to increase revenue, you adopt the best marketing strategy for your law firm. And, the best marketing strategy is attraction marketing. It’s not just about reaching out to your clients and collecting their business, it’s about building genuine, long-lasting relationships with them that lead to referrals and loyalty toward your brand.


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The Law Firm Marketing Guide to Grow Your Practice in 2022

The legal sector is growing at an exponential rate, and with that growth is the need for marketing strategies to grow practices as well. If you’re one of the thousands of law firms looking to grow your practice, you’re certainly not alone. According to the American Bar Association, there were more than 193,000 law firms as of 2016.  In 2022, there are over 400,000 of them. 

Now, as the legal sector continues to grow at a rapid pace, law firms need to adopt marketing strategies that will help them grow their practices as quickly and efficiently as possible. Here are some of the law firm marketing strategies you should adopt to grow your practice in the upcoming years.

  • Build Strong Relationships

To build strong relationships, you need to make your clients feel like they’re your only clients. You can do this by building a network of satisfied clients and keeping in touch with them. While it may not be feasible for you to maintain a network of satisfied clients from every state, you can still maintain strong relationships with clients who are in your geographic area. 

To maintain strong relationships, you can send regular newsletters, create a client portal to track the business they send you, and use email marketing to keep clients in the loop. You can also build strong relationships with other professionals in your industry. By networking with other professionals and sharing best practices, you can build strong relationships with other firms in your field.

  • Make Content Marketing a Priority

Every day, you can find content marketing strategies in use by law firms of all sizes. Why is this? Because it’s proven to be a crucial marketing strategy for law firms of all sizes. The best part about content marketing is that it’s something you can do no matter your budget, your industry, or your location. With this in mind, you can adopt different content marketing strategies based on your needs. Here are some of the content marketing strategies you can use for your law firm.  

  • Develop an informative site that your clients can visit daily. Your site can include resources, blog posts, and contact information for your staff.  
  • Become a thought leader in your field. By identifying and influencing thought leaders within your industry and beyond, you can influence your content marketing strategy.  
  • Conduct a successful search engine optimization audit. SEO audits can uncover potential issues with your site, including errors, broken links, and content that isn’t optimized for search engines.  
  • Create and publish high-quality marketing materials, including infographics, videos, images, and hosted webinars. Hosted webinars allow you to record and publish your content from anywhere, even if you don’t have a robust setup at your law firm.
  • Stay On Top of the Latest Trends and Legal Technology

As the legal sector continues to grow, so too do the latest trends. With this growth in mind, it’s important to invest in knowledge and stay on top of the latest trends and legal technology.  Trends in the legal sector are constantly changing, so it’s important to stay on top of the latest ones. 

As the legal industry continues to grow and more clients are looking to the sector for their legal needs, new trends will continue to emerge. For example, many law firms are turning to social media to increase their reach. With social media marketing, you can share content, engage with potential and current clients, and build strong client relationships. You can also use social media to respond to questions from clients, which can be a great way to help people who reach out and ask questions.

  • Know Your Audience and Build Outbound Calls to Action

Every time you interact with a potential or current client, you have the opportunity to create an impression. To create an impression, you need to take advantage of the elements of design, such as layout, typeface, and color scheme.  As you create content for your site, consider how the layout of the page affects the impression you’re creating. For example, you can use layout to direct the reader’s attention to the most important parts of your site. You can also use layout to direct attention to other aspects of your site, such as your contact information, testimonials, or resources.

If you want to grow your law firm, you need to adopt marketing strategies that will help you build strong relationships with your current and potential clients.  By doing this, you’ll be able to create a more effective and memorable experience for each of your clients. Whether they’re looking for help with a family law issue, a business matter, or any other type of legal issue, these marketing strategies can help you to grow your practice.


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How To Do Thought Leadership Content: A Detailed Approach 

Content marketing is one of the most effective ways to drive traffic to your law firm website and get people excited about your brand. With so many other firms getting into the content marketing game, there is simply no way around it. Your competitors are publishing content as frequently as you are, and you have to do something to keep up. That’s where thought leadership content comes in. 

Thought leadership content is content that is focused on driving visitors to a specific piece of content that is longer-form and more in-depth than your other content. This is the type of content that readers typically enjoy more because it is more in-depth, and they will stay longer on your site and be more likely to become leads and clients. 

How to Do Thought Leadership Content?

First, you need to choose a topic that you are going to write about. When you choose a topic, think about the types of people who are reading your site. If you are primarily attracting lawyers and aspiring lawyers, you will want to pick topics that are relevant to the types of people who are reading your site. 

If you are primarily attracting business owners, entrepreneurs, and executives who are in the process of setting up a business, you will want to pick topics that are relevant to the types of people who are reading your site. You also want to think about what types of people you want to attract. For example, if you are mostly attracting lawyers who are interested in estate planning, you may want to write about topics that are especially relevant to that group of people.

How to Create Lawyer and Client-Focused Thought Leadership Content?

In order to create attorney and client-focused content, you need to find a way to talk to your prospective clients through their problems. For example, let’s say you’re a patent law firm. One of the issues your clients are facing is whether they infringe on someone else’s patent.  Find a way to talk through this issue by answering the question: What are the problems that patent infringement leads to? Expand on that with your insights and expertise. This will create compelling, thought-provoking content that presents you as an expert in that area of practice. 

To drive traffic to your law firm’s website and keep up with the competition, you need thought leadership content. The frequency of publication by other firms means that there is simply no way around it. Your competitors are publishing as often as you are, so this kind of content lets people know how knowledgeable you are in your field. 

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How to boost your clientele with effective digital growth strategies

When you have a practice and a stable of clients, you’d think that you’d have everything you need to keep those clients coming back. The reality, however, can be a little different. 

While the law is a discipline that is uniform in its adherence to formality and structure, clients are not. They plan their lives around their work schedules, their interests, and their leisure time. To keep clients coming back, law firms need to get into their clients’ heads and out-think them. Doing so requires effective digital strategies that keep clients in the loop and make them feel involved with their firm. Here are five effective digital strategies for law firms to keep their clients coming back.

  • Pay Attention to Your Client Base

The first digital strategy that law firms must master is paying attention to their client base. There are a few ways to do this. First, do a quick survey of your clients. With the technology now available, you don’t even have to leave your couch. Google’s I/O conference, for example, brought out a lot of exciting products and services that enabled clients to do surveys from the comfort of their own homes.

  • Build a Good Online Presence

You can’t expect your clients to care about you if they can’t find you on the internet. You need a professional website that reflects your firm’s branding and provides a place for you to provide information about your services and for clients to submit requests for legal services. You also need to have a professional presence on social media. Your online presence helps to create a sense of community between you and your clients, which is a powerful thing.

  • Decide What You’re Going to Do Differently

Differentiating yourself from your competitors is critical to the effectiveness of your digital strategies. One way to do this is to decide what you’re going to do differently from your competitors. For example, are you going to offer a specific service that isn’t being offered in your area? Are you going to offer a service that your customers want, but their law firms don’t? How are you going to be different?

  • Bring in New Clients

If you have loyal clients, it’s important for you to keep them happy and make sure that they have the legal services that they need. But it’s also important to bring in new clients. The longer-term stability of a client is a big factor in the profitability of a law firm. Having new clients can help you achieve profitability.

  • Make Sure You Stay Consistent

Consistent branding is one of the most important digital strategies that law firms can employ. Consistent, professional branding creates an impression in your clients’ minds that you’re the same firm that they’ve been dealing with for years, not just some faceless, impersonal firm. Consistent, professional branding creates an impression in your clients’ minds that you’re the same firm that they’ve been dealing with for years, not just some faceless, impersonal firm.

Digital strategies are what make all the difference in the effectiveness of your law firm’s marketing. They can mean the difference between average and great, between losing and making money, and between being in the game and getting kicked out of the game. Digital strategies are essential for law firms to succeed in this new and changing world of marketing.


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Press release marketing for 2022

When it comes to generating leads and building trust with your clients, law firms can struggle. Many lawyers — and their firms — rely on personal contacts to build their practices and secure new business. Others can leverage their personal profiles to establish trust with potential clients. 

A good press release, however, can help law firms leverage all the advantages of their professional names and personal profiles.   Today’s interconnected world enables information to spread quickly. From the moment you launch your law firm, you have a story to tell. That story is your brand and how you want to be perceived. To successfully establish your brand, you need to strategically incorporate the right messaging and language within your content.  When crafting your press release, think about the reason(s) your firm decided to launch a new service. 

In addition to distributing your press release through online channels, it’s also worth printing and handing out copies to clients, referrals, and other key stakeholders. This lets people start to hear about your firm through word of mouth.  

Marketing with a press release is a low-cost, low-risk way for law firms to engage with the public. As a profession known for confidentiality, lawyers and law firms can struggle to build trust with potential clients. This is especially true for new firms and solo practitioners, who often don’t have a large mailing list or a direct method of communication. With a press release, you can leverage your brand to quickly establish trust with individuals and businesses.

Press releases are a standard part of many law firm marketing strategies.  These releases can help law firms leverage the advantages of their professional names and personal profiles. In addition, press releases can be used to break news, highlight your work, and grow your law firm’s brand recognition. 

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Reasons the Press Release Still Matters

Digital marketing has become the new frontier for law firms. With a vast majority of clients now accessing legal services digitally, it makes sense that law firms are no exception. However, many law firms are still under the impression that their digital marketing efforts are more about tech than marketing.  But the law is a business just like any other and will always remain that way. In order to stay relevant and succeed, law firms need to understand the latest trends and adopt them as much as they can. 

One of the most important reasons why the press release still matters for law firms is because it can help build a reputation. Before you start your digital marketing campaign, you need to have an overarching strategy. One way to do this is by establishing your brand, or what people will associate you with.  To do this, you need to develop a clear message and aim to communicate it through a variety of media, including traditional and digital channels. One of the best ways to do this is by distributing a news release via your law firm’s press room.

Another reason the press release still matters for law firms is that it can prove the value of your service. The most important thing about marketing your law firm is that you need to show the value of your services.  In the age of online services and legal search engines, your clients don’t need to come to you. They can do it themselves. And, given their limited time and resources, they’ll most likely go straight to what they perceive as providing the most value.

Another reason the press release still matters for law firms is that it can show you’re a thought leader. The best way to do this is by publishing relevant news articles and interviews on your law firm’s website. This will help demonstrate your expertise in the industry and your passion for it. It can also help establish your place as a leading thought leader in your field.

Lastly, the press release still matters for law firms because it can establish and develop relationships. This is especially true with social media, where it can help build a community of followers and potential clients. You can also use these tools to build and strengthen your relationships with prospects and clients, which can help strengthen both your business relationships and your personal ones.

 These are only some of the reasons the press release still matters for law firms. It is imperative that digital marketing efforts are based on solid strategy and execution. If you have questions about how your law firm can adapt to the changing digital landscape, contact us.  We can help you understand how the press release still matters for law firms in today’s digital marketing environment.


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