How to boost your clientele with effective digital growth strategies

When you have a practice and a stable of clients, you’d think that you’d have everything you need to keep those clients coming back. The reality, however, can be a little different. 

While the law is a discipline that is uniform in its adherence to formality and structure, clients are not. They plan their lives around their work schedules, their interests, and their leisure time. To keep clients coming back, law firms need to get into their clients’ heads and out-think them. Doing so requires effective digital strategies that keep clients in the loop and make them feel involved with their firm. Here are five effective digital strategies for law firms to keep their clients coming back.

  • Pay Attention to Your Client Base

The first digital strategy that law firms must master is paying attention to their client base. There are a few ways to do this. First, do a quick survey of your clients. With the technology now available, you don’t even have to leave your couch. Google’s I/O conference, for example, brought out a lot of exciting products and services that enabled clients to do surveys from the comfort of their own homes.

  • Build a Good Online Presence

You can’t expect your clients to care about you if they can’t find you on the internet. You need a professional website that reflects your firm’s branding and provides a place for you to provide information about your services and for clients to submit requests for legal services. You also need to have a professional presence on social media. Your online presence helps to create a sense of community between you and your clients, which is a powerful thing.

  • Decide What You’re Going to Do Differently

Differentiating yourself from your competitors is critical to the effectiveness of your digital strategies. One way to do this is to decide what you’re going to do differently from your competitors. For example, are you going to offer a specific service that isn’t being offered in your area? Are you going to offer a service that your customers want, but their law firms don’t? How are you going to be different?

  • Bring in New Clients

If you have loyal clients, it’s important for you to keep them happy and make sure that they have the legal services that they need. But it’s also important to bring in new clients. The longer-term stability of a client is a big factor in the profitability of a law firm. Having new clients can help you achieve profitability.

  • Make Sure You Stay Consistent

Consistent branding is one of the most important digital strategies that law firms can employ. Consistent, professional branding creates an impression in your clients’ minds that you’re the same firm that they’ve been dealing with for years, not just some faceless, impersonal firm. Consistent, professional branding creates an impression in your clients’ minds that you’re the same firm that they’ve been dealing with for years, not just some faceless, impersonal firm.

Digital strategies are what make all the difference in the effectiveness of your law firm’s marketing. They can mean the difference between average and great, between losing and making money, and between being in the game and getting kicked out of the game. Digital strategies are essential for law firms to succeed in this new and changing world of marketing.


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